Yesterday, Little Ranger and Daddy went and watched the sequel of Madagascar in GSC, Pavillion. I remember last time, Little Ranger would play the cd again and again until all of us semua dah hafal cerita tuh...LOL. So, according to Daddy this time the sequel not as entertaining as the first one...sib baik Mummy tak ikut..cehh...tak ikut apa...siapa la pulak nak jaga si kenit Hana ni nanti. Takpa later on i can catch up with the dvd.
All photos are taken during Hana's 2mths visit. The recent one, didnt snap any...x teringat pulak...aish..
On the other hand, Mummy and Hana spent a very quiet Saturday together. She slept almost 3 hours straight, pergh...which is soo not like her since she normally sleeps less than an hour during the day for each time we tuck her in. This must be of the jab Dr. Vernon gave her in the morning..hehehe...oh ya...she's going to be 3 months old next week. How time flies....She's already 6.2kg!! no wonder tangan Mummy sume dah keluar muscle..:)
Speaking of the jab, before Dr. V cucuk bontot mungil dia tuh...she was crying a bit..nampak je muka Dr. V..waaa..terus sengih and suke suki(and of coz at that time she didnt know what's going to happen next...muahahaha) One thing I like about Dr. V nih...whenever he wants to give jab...dia akan buat budak tu leka..tup2 dah selamat kene cucuk...tak sempat la nak nangis tahap maximum..baru nak nangis ngade2 dah abis jab..Last time with Little Ranger also like that.
Oh ya, after the movie, Daddy took Little Ranger to experience the fish spa therapy. Kehkehkehkeh....first time experience for him to have the small fishes gigit2 his kaki..
Mummy : Abang, tadi awak pegi fish spa ek? Best tak?
Little Ranger : Haah...saya tu geletek kaki saya...
kehkehekh so geletek kaki saya tu yang xleh tahan tuh...sekejap jek dia rendam kaki dia dalam air tuh..nasib baik its free..kalau tak rugi jek..hmm...Mummy pun nak try la jugak rendam kaki suruh fish geletek kaki Mummy...ahaks.
On the other hand, Mummy and Hana spent a very quiet Saturday together. She slept almost 3 hours straight, pergh...which is soo not like her since she normally sleeps less than an hour during the day for each time we tuck her in. This must be of the jab Dr. Vernon gave her in the morning..hehehe...oh ya...she's going to be 3 months old next week. How time flies....She's already 6.2kg!! no wonder tangan Mummy sume dah keluar muscle..:)
Speaking of the jab, before Dr. V cucuk bontot mungil dia tuh...she was crying a bit..nampak je muka Dr. V..waaa..terus sengih and suke suki(and of coz at that time she didnt know what's going to happen next...muahahaha) One thing I like about Dr. V nih...whenever he wants to give jab...dia akan buat budak tu leka..tup2 dah selamat kene cucuk...tak sempat la nak nangis tahap maximum..baru nak nangis ngade2 dah abis jab..Last time with Little Ranger also like that.
Oh ya, after the movie, Daddy took Little Ranger to experience the fish spa therapy. Kehkehkehkeh....first time experience for him to have the small fishes gigit2 his kaki..
Mummy : Abang, tadi awak pegi fish spa ek? Best tak?
Little Ranger : Haah...saya tu geletek kaki saya...
kehkehekh so geletek kaki saya tu yang xleh tahan tuh...sekejap jek dia rendam kaki dia dalam air tuh..nasib baik its free..kalau tak rugi jek..hmm...Mummy pun nak try la jugak rendam kaki suruh fish geletek kaki Mummy...ahaks.
mummy suruh je daddy geletek..hehehe
kak kujie....saya suke skodeng blog kak kujie...daddy geletek dah jadik cite lain kak kujie...hehehe
hehehe....dah pasang cctv sapa2 yg intai kena cekup gak
t/kasih le sbb sudi intai blog makcik2...
panggil kak jie je
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