Wah lama x update kan?? Hmm...reason being..gua tersangat malas n not in d mood to blog. Why?? Will elaborate more in later part. Well, Hana's cukur jambul went well but very tiring since Maktok decided to cook herself instead of hiring a caterer. Biasalah orang2 tua ni kan suka nak buat semua sendiri..baru puas. Nasib baik ada orang tolong, kalau tak sure pengsan sorang2 nak buat semua benda kan!
And the saddest part was, i lost my handphone during the kenduri. Geram tahap maximum tau, knowing its all my relatives jek yang melepak kat rumah during that period. But tak naklah main tuduh2 and also its my fault juga pegi letak handphone tu atas meja buat ape...big mistake! Lesson learned, never leave your things unattended eventho its in your own house! Sayang wooo my hp tu not even a year yet and yang paling menyedihkan sangat becoz its my birthday present from Daddy Ranger...isk ..isk...isk...adakah akan dapat HP baru lagi next year?? oh tidakkk......
Tatami potong jambul Hana...noooo.....dont cut my hair...
alamak ilang enpon ke kak kim. susah kan skrg dikelilingi org2 rapat pn mmg xleh caya dah. mcm ramai je org yg terkena penyakit ni ek. mil kiter plak ilang kamera kt rmh besfren sndiri cmner tu? tp suspect org gaji dia la curik. kdg2 bdk2 pun suka gak main sambar2 ni. xpela next time hati2 lagi ye kak kim.
ps-xtahan la tgk gmbr ranger kt atas tu. org elok2 je posing. dia je ganas hehehe :D
to ina,
kehkehekh...LR tu mmg saje jek spoilkan gambo family nih..dahla susah nak amik..tula next time kene gantung kat leher hp tuh..
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